Precision Farming 




The Strautmann ISOBUS control enables a position-related spreading of spreading material. Thanks to the data and GPS-supported operation, the spreading material can be spread exactly where it is needed in the appropriate quantities in order to achieve the best possible yield. The Strautmann Touch 800-terminal reads all common formats of application maps so that they can be uploaded in a quickly and incomplicated manner




  • Analysis of the soil condition and transfer to a field map
  • Creation of an application map with different application rates per sub-area
  • Transfer of the data to a USB data carrier
  • Tractor equipped with GPS receiver


  • The position of the spreader on the field is determined by GPS
  • Comparison with soil conditions
  • Automatic adjustment of the target amount (application rate)
  • Automatic adjustment of the transport floor speed, taking into account the slurry door setting and driving speed




Dynamic Weighing System

The new dynamic weighing system from Strautmann is the basis for an exact application of organic fertilizers. Unlike other weighing systems on the market, this new system permanently records the weight loss during the unloading process and compares this with the set output quantity. In this way, an output that is accurate to the kilogram is achieved under all conditions. This is a great advantage, especially with inhomogeneous spreading material such as stable manure with different densities. The weighing system is fully integrated in the ISOBUS software.



Dynamisches Wiegesystem

Your Benefits

  • The desired amount of manure is spread (t/ha)
  • The yields per hectare are clearly saved
  • The soil is supplied with nutrients as required
  • Valuable fertilizer is used effectively





Area-specific adaptation of the application rate



By creating an application map, the target amount can vary within one field depending on the nature of the soil. The combination of the adjusted target amount to the soil condition and the significantly increased precision when spreading through the dynamic weighing system maximizes your yield considerably.


All common formats of the application maps can be easily imported by using a USB stick


Your benefits

  • Significant increase in yield
  • Perfect supply of inhomogeneous soil conditions in one area
  • Precious manure is applied where it is needed
  • Costs are minimized, the benefits are increased